user participation

Evaluating Participation Work: The Toolkit and The Guide

This is a practical guide to evaluating participation work in children's services. It covers evaluation planning; involving children and young people; ethics; methods; analysis; presenting findings; dissemination. There is an extensive list of further resources that cover the topics discussed in more depth, as well as details of several participation-related evaluation tools.

Working together for change: using person-centred information for commissioning

Working together for change is an approach to engagement with people using services to review their experiences and determine priorities for change. It can be used to ensure that co-production with local people and families is at the heart of social care transformation programmes. This report describes a six stage process that uses person centred information - such as person centred reviews, person centred plans or support plans - to inform strategic change and commissioning.

Empowering communities to influence local decision making: evidence-based lessons for policy makers and practitioners

This report draws on a systematic review of published evidence to provide lessons on empowerment for policy makers and practitioners. It aims to enable the development of workable activities for empowerment underpinned by a sound evidence base. It focuses on six key mechanisms that facilitate empowerment: asset transfer; citizen governance; electronic participation; participatory budgeting; petitions; redress.

Good Practice: Creative ways to promote personalisation

Describes some creative ways of promoting personalisation to service users and practitioners. The four methods highlighted are: A board game called 'Whose shoes? - putting people first'; a website (shop4support) where people who use social care support services can choose them online; Social Care TV - to be launched by SCIE in October - which will include video about personalisation, and attending regional personalisation roadshows.