What matters with personal narratives?
Paper describing a study which aimed to investigate how personal narratives are used in Scotland to promote recovery and social inclusion by mental health service users.
Paper describing a study which aimed to investigate how personal narratives are used in Scotland to promote recovery and social inclusion by mental health service users.
Paper discussing the concept of service design and arguing that it can offer policy makers and practitioners a vision for the transformation of public services, as well as a path to get there. It lays out an agenda for action which shows how service design approaches can be applied systematically.
Key messages are presented from a study looking at mental health services provided by the NHS, councils, prisons, the police and the voluntary sector across Scotland for all ages. The study examines the accessibility and availability of mental health services and how much is spent on them.
The report provides an overview of mental health services and is the first in a series of planned reports in this area. The researchers carried out an overview to highlight areas for improvement and to identify priorities for future audit work.
A series of 12 videos commissioned by SCLD (Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability), EDG (Edinburgh Development Group) , Heartfelt, ARC (Association for Real Change) Scotland on the subject of Citizen Leadership. Each video features a service user or carer talking about their experiences.
This learning resource will provide the learner with the necessary skills and knowledge to critically examine — from point of assessment to actual service delivery — how the needs of minority ethnic carers and service users are currently being met. It therefore aims to ensure that the need to achieve equality of opportunity and access lies at the heart of individual and collective practice.
Website intended to allow service users, carers, health and social care professionals to access information and evidence on adult rehabilitation and the management of long term conditions.
The Scottish Government is establishing two new improvement and scrutiny bodies for healthcare and for social care and social work. These changes, which are part of a wider simplification of the public sector, should lead to improvements and better checking of health, social care and social work services in Scotland. This conference was organised to make sure that the views of people who use services and of equality groups could be heard. The conference had two main purposes: to tell people about the changes; and to hear the views of the people affected.
Document reporting the results of an inspection of substance misuse services in Grampian and making recommendations for improvements.
Report detailing the results of an inspection of substance misuse services in Grampian and making recommendations for improvements.
This report was produced by Shaping Our Lives National User Network with SCIE for the Department of Health. The Department requested that this piece of work be done to contribute towards their consultation on service users views on the future of adult social care.