older people

Dementia and Reminiscence - BBC Radio 4: Woman's Hour

This BBC radio programme looks at how the number of people diagnosed with dementia in the UK has reached 700,000, and how, often close relatives step into the role of being the main carer.

Julie Heathcote is a trainer in reminiscence-based approaches for the Alzheimer’s Society which are proving to be successful in helping both carers and the cared for to spend more quality time together. Felicity Finch joins her with a group of carers at The Lowestoft and Waveney branch of the society where she ran a Reminiscence Activities session.

Pain management for older people with learning difficulties and dementia

In general, the pain relief needs of older people with dementia are not adequately met. The aim of this research was to determine whether the same unsatisfactory treatment also applies to people with learning difficulties who have dementia and, if so, to make recommendations for improving practice. The research team was based at the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh, and the Dementia Services Development Centre, University of Stirling.

Equally different: report on the situation of older lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgendered people in Thanet, Kent

This report has been compiled by 'Opening Doors in Thanet', a group of older people living in the Isle of Thanet, who are aware of and want to help service-providers understand the difficulties, and improve the lives, of Lesbian, Gay Bi-sexual and Transgendered (LGBT) older people. It is based on the results of a questionnaire sent out to sheltered housing providers, residential homes, nursing homes, care companies and day centres catering for the older population of Thanet.

Better care every step of the way

More than 40% of care homes in Scotland need to improve the support they offer people with life-limiting illnesses and those who require palliative and end of life care, according to a new report from Scotland’s care watchdog.

This report reflects the findings of 1036 inspections and three investigations carried out by the Care Commission at care homes for older people between April 2007 and March 2008.

Living on the edge: enabling older owner occupiers with moderate learning disabilities to live independently

Report focusing on the plight of older people with mild to moderate learning disabilities living independently in their own homes. It notes that many reach crisis points which threaten their independence and argues that a service response model based on crisis support workers is the most effective way of preventing such crises occurring and recurring.

Understanding Depression in Later Life

The main focus of this learning object is depression amongst older people. The learning object begins by highlighting some of the problems with defining and diagnosing 'depression' and then goes on to discuss the estimated numbers of older people that are thought to suffer from the condition. Issues that make people more or less vulnerable to developing depression in later life are also examined. Finally, effective treatments for depression and explanations for why it so often remains unrecognised in older people is discussed.

The Life Course Approach

In this learning object you are introduced to the importance of seeing later life as one phase of an entire course of life from birth to death shaped by earlier life stages and experiences. Meaning and identity are important to mental health in later life and require that we can connect past, present and future in our lives. A highly influential theory of the life course which embodies these themes is the psychosocial theory of Erik Erikson, which you will consider in Section 2.

Introduction to law (English)

This learning object is suitable especially for an opening module, as it provides an orientation into the subject and will stimulate debate on tricky legal and ethical issues. Introduction to Law sets out to make users aware of: the importance and relevance of law; how interesting law can be; the many ways that law impacts upon our lives and work; the importance of Law to social work practice; and the connections between Law and social work values. 'Why Study Law' asks you to reflect upon how you see the law through a 10 question quiz.