older people

Case study: community care and older people

This case has been designed to familiarise students with the framework, key principles and statutes surrounding social work intervention with vulnerable adults. It consists of a three stage scenario describing the difficulties in the lives of an older couple, and their family, as they become increasingly dependent on community, residential and hospital-based services to protect them from danger and to promote their welfare.

Managing resources in later life

This report explores the changing lives of older people and shows how resources are used to manage change and maintain stability. An ageing population continues to be of policy concern, in relation to meeting the needs of older people now, and for future welfare provision. This research explores how older people plan, use and value the different resources available to them. Resources are broadly defined, to explore the relative value of different structural, social and individual resources and how they interlink.

Eating well in care homes for older people

This report details what the Care Commission found when it looked in detail at five areas of food and nutrition in a sample of 303 care homes for older people in Scotland during inspections in 2006 to 2007, investigated 91 complaints about eating, drinking and nutrition in 2006 to 2007, looked at the improvement notices that were served on care homes in 2008 to 2009, and worked with staff called nutrition champions to make improvements in eating, drinking and nutritional care in the care homes where they were working.

Managing resources in later life

This report explores the changing lives of older people and shows how resources are used to manage change and maintain stability. An ageing population continues to be of policy concern, in relation to meeting the needs of older people now, and for future welfare provision. This research explores how older people plan, use and value the different resources available to them. Resources are broadly defined, to explore the relative value of different structural, social and individual resources and how they interlink.