older people

National Performance Indicators (Evidence-informed Improvement Series)

IRISS has published two reports commissioned from the Glasgow School of Social Work on evidence-informed performance improvement.

The first report, written by Robin Sen and Pam Green Lister, reviews the literature relevant to the National Performance Indicator on increasing the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child inspection reports.

National Performance Indicators (Evidence-informed Improvement Series)

Two reports commissioned from the Glasgow School of Social Work on evidence-informed performance improvement.

The first report, written by Robin Sen and Pam Green Lister, reviews the literature relevant to the National Performance Indicator on increasing the overall proportion of local authority areas receiving positive child inspection reports.

The second, written by Gillian MacIntyre and Ailsa Stewart, relates to the Performance Indicator on increasing the proportion of older people aged 65 and over, with high levels of care needs who are cared for at home.

Personal budgets briefing: learning from the experiences of older people and their carers (At a glance 40)

A summary of older people’s and carers’ experiences of using self-directed support and personal budgets. It is based on a six month study, which also included people with mental health problems.

The research was commissioned from a joint team from Acton Shapiro, the National Centre for Independent Living (NCIL) and the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU).

Improving the quality of care in Scotland: an overview of Care Commission findings 2002 to 2010

The Care Commission began operating in April 2002 and this report presents what has been learned over the eight years of regulating care services in Scotland. It sets out the context for the Care Commission's work, examines the impact its regulation work has had on outcomes for the people who use care services, and makes strong statements about where the care sector needs to improve.

'The billion dollar question': embedding prevention in older people's services - 10 'high imapct' changes (Policy paper 8)

This paper seeks to identify ‘10 high impact changes’ with regards to prevention in older people’s services. Such an approach builds on the work of the NHS Institute, who have published a series of guides on high impact changes in a range of areas including service improvement and delivery (NHSI,2004) and nursing and midwifery (NHSI, 2009).

In many ways, it is also more of a discussion paper, which reviews the emerging evidence, but which is very conscious of the limited nature of the evidence.

Care about rights

The Scottish Human Rights Commission has developed training and awareness raising resources relating to the care and support of older people.

This project aims to empower people to understand their human rights, and increase the ability and accountability of those who have the duties to respect, protect and fulfil rights.