
At a glance 59: end of life care for people with dementia living in care homes

This At a glance briefing summarises the research briefing End of life care for people with dementia living in care homes (SCIE 2012). Research briefings provide a concise, narrative summary of the research knowledge on a particular topic and signpost routes to further information. This briefing was published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and it has been co-produced with the National End of Life Care programme.

SCIE research briefing 40: end of life care for people with dementia living in care homes

This research briefing is about the care provided in care homes to people with dementia in the period leading up to the end of their lives. It aims to provide an overview of a range of issues important to care home residents, carers and providers. Research briefing published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in May 2012. Review date is May 2015.

Dementia e-learning course

This learning activity is Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) e-learning resource. The Open Dementia elearning Programme is aimed at anyone who comes into contact with someone with dementia and provides a general introduction to the disease and the experience of living with dementia. This programme is designed to be accessible to a wide audience and to make learning as enjoyable as possible and so allows users to fully interact with the content and includes video, audio and graphics to make the content come alive. Resource published 2009.

Dementia and end of life care

Film that illustrates the steps involved in supporting a person with dementia to die well, through the experience of Mairead Smart and her family. It is crucial to recognise when a person with dementia enters the final weeks and days of their life and to respond with support that avoids unnecessary interventions and reflects the wishes of the individual and their family.