
Dementia: finding housing solutions

Report that highlights how good housing and related services can impact positively on the lives of people with dementia, from delaying more intensive forms of care to preventing admission and readmission to hospital. Case studies from housing associations and home improvement agencies show how appropriate housing can:

  • reduce or delay demand for health and social care services for people with dementia
  • improve the rate of diagnosis of dementia
  • deliver improved health and social care outcomes at a lower cost

Telecare and dementia: using telecare effectively in the support of people with dementia

Book that explores how telecare can contribute to the support, protection, and quality of life of people with dementia. It also considers the importance of telecare in providing support and reassurance to carers.

It is written for assessors, care and support staff and their managers, telecare service managers and development staff.

Co-production: working with the third sector to reshape dementia services in East Dunbartonshire

Documents East Dunbartonshire's Dementia Clinic Advisory Service, which is built on a model of co-production and choice for people with dementia.

It is a service co-designed and delivered by a network of third sector providers. The service delivery model is already helping to reshape services and reduce pressure on frontline council services and budgets.

Stronger collective voice for people with dementia

A growing number of people with dementia in the UK are becoming actively involved in groups to try to influence services and policies affecting people with dementia. The Dementia Engagement & Empowerment Project (DEEP) was a one-year investigation aiming to highlight groups and projects involving people with dementia. The report offers specific ways forward for organisations wishing to engage with people with dementia. Resource published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in October 2012. Summary and full report available.

Dementia: autonomy and decision-making. Putting principles into practice. Research summary and recommendations for policy and practice

This project drew on the experiences of over 100 carers (family members, partners, friends, volunteers) who have taken on the role of proxy decision-maker for someone with dementia. I wish to thank them all for their invaluable contributions to informing both the practical guide to making decisions and this report.

Dementia: making decisions - a practical guide for family members, partners and friends with power of attorney, guardianship or deputyship

This guide provides practical advice and information on how to weigh-up information and options for action when faced with situations in which major decisions need to be made. This guide was informed by a study of over 100 carers with proxy decision-making powers, funded by the Nuffield Foundation.