Keep Talking About Dementia
This booklet is produced by Down's Syndrome Scotland and provides information for siblings and professionals about Down's Syndrome and dementia.
This booklet is produced by Down's Syndrome Scotland and provides information for siblings and professionals about Down's Syndrome and dementia.
The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. Incontinence can be upsetting and humiliating for the person with dementia and stressful for the carer. As this information sheet highlights, approaching the problem with understanding, matter-of-factness and humour can improve the situation for everyone concerned.
Video featuring a case study highlighting the challenges and rewards of providing care at home for people with dementia, and showing the positive effects for those receiving this support.
Video featuring a case study of how a woman with dementia coped with moving into a care home.
Video featuring a case study demonstrating the positive effects of an early diagnosis of dementia.
This resource is a guide for GP’s to plan a strategy that will ensure the right intervention and diagnosis, at the right time, for people with Down’s Syndrome and dementia.
Video presenting the key facts about dementia and how changes which occur in the brain affect behaviour.