mental health problems

The Tayside Domestic Abuse and Substance Misuse Project : Final Research Report : Summary of Findings

This resource is a summary of a research report into the Tayside Domestic Abuse and Substance Misuse Project. The findings presented in this report include a review of the literature on the links between domestic abuse and substance misuse, and secondary analysis of service user questionnaires, interviews with service users and interviews with domestic abuse and substance misuse service providers.

Impact evaluation of a pilot mental health in the workplace training initiative

Report of a study which assessed the effectiveness and appropriateness of a pilot mental health in the workplace training initiative. In particular it reports on the immediate impact of the initiative, the intermediate outcomes and makes recommendations for the future based on course content, delivery mechanisms and future roll out.

Clustering booklet: for use in mental health payment by results evaluation work (July-Dec 2009)

Booklet designed to help in the preparation for mental health Payment by Results. This clustering booklet contains the assessment tool (HoNOS PbR) and the 21 clusters developed by the Care Pathways and Packages Project.

Service users will need to be assessed and 'assigned' to the relevant cluster. As peoples needs change overtime they will need to be re-assessed and re-clustered periodically. The clustering booklet is time-limited as work continues across the NHS to refine and validate both the assessment and the clusters.

SCIE Guide 2: Families that have alcohol and mental health problems: a template for partnership working

This guide is about delivering high quality, coordinated services to families with parents who misuse alcohol or who have mental health problems. It recognises that promoting the well-being of children and keeping them safe should be achieved, wherever possible, by providing support for parents in bringing up their children and by ensuring that children do not take on excessive or inappropriate caring roles in their family.

National programme for improving mental health and well-being: small research projects initiative 2005-06 - Mellow Babies

The Mellow Babies intervention was designed to develop close attunement between the mother and the child using a combination of baby-massage, interaction coaching and infant focused speech.

A waiting-list-controlled evaluation of the Mellow Babies intervention is described.

The objectives were to measure change in maternal depressive symptoms and the quality of interaction between mothers and babies. Recruitment was less than had been hoped, but for those mothers who completed the group, feedback from referrers and participants was positive.

Looking beyond risk. Parental substance misuse: scoping policy

Parental substance misuse can result in a considerable number of negative effects on the family. However, it is incredibly hard to calculate how many children and other family members might be affected. There is also growing evidence that some children appear to be more resilient than others to the negative impact of parental substance misuse. There is a need to investigate how these general statements relate to parental substance misuse across Scotland, a topic that has been given priority status by the Scottish Executive, and other key organisations.

Comparisons of health-related behaviours and health measures between Glasgow and the rest of Scotland

Report presenting the findings of research which sought to compare adult morbidity, mortality, health behaviours and risk factors in the Glasgow area with those observed in the rest of Scotland and to assess the extent to which any differences can be attributed to the unique socio-economic profile of Glasgow.