
Mapping the terrain : 16-19 funding transfer (LGA research report)

In April 2010 the Learning and Skills Council in England will be abolished and responsibility for planning and commissioning education and training for 16–18 year olds will move to local authorities. This report looks at local authorities’ early experiences of the transfer to help inform planning, especially with regard to work- force capacity.

Inside out : the case for improving mental healthcare across the criminal justice system

Report describing the obstacles to court diversion schemes for offenders with mental health problems in England and Wales and arguing that early and more structured interventions by the health care and justice systems would improve care and reduce the cost of crime. It identifies examples of good practice in this area in England and Wales and points to the potential of a new model in mental health courts.

Services for adults with autistic spectrum conditions (ASC): good practice advice for primary care trust and local authority commissioners

This publication builds on current guidance, and highlights existing information and good practice for commissioners in primary care trusts and local authorities who have responsibility for commissioning services for adults with autistic spectrum disorders. It aim is to ensure that commissioners enable, empower and promote independence and meaningful choices for adults with autistic spectrum.

Working together to provide age-appropriate environments and services for mental health patients aged under 18

The new section 131A of the Mental Health Act is due to come into force in April 2010. This amendment will ensure that patients aged under 18 are treated in an environment in hospital which is suitable having regard to their age, with the purpose of preventing the inappropriate admission of children and young people to adult psychiatric wards. This briefing highlights how commissioners can work together to meet the new duty on age-appropriate accommodation in a timely manner.

Commissioning what works : the economic and financial case for supported employment (Briefing 41)

Briefing paper analysing the economic and financial case for Individual Placement and Support (IPS), a form of supported employment which helps mental health service users into paid competitive work. It concludes that IPS is more effective than any other form of vocational support in helping people into employment.