
Review of evidence relating to volatile substance abuse in Scotland

In early 2006, the Scottish Executive Justice Department commissioned a review of the available evidence on volatile substance abuse (VSA) among young people in Scotland, particularly, in relation to the prevalence and nature of VSA, successful prevention of VSA and effective communication of VSA information and messages.

This report details the findings of that review and makes recommendations for the way in which the review of evidence can be used to take forward the volatile substance abuse agenda in Scotland.

The edgeless university : why higher education must embrace technology

Report assessing the threats and opportunities technology holds for universities. It argues that technology is making universities just one source among many of knowledge and ideas but that, through their institutional capital, universities can also harness technology to offer more flexible provision and open up more avenues into higher education.

Joined up working with children and families on the front line

This resource highlights key themes from the Research in Practice publication 'Professionalism, partnership and joined-up thinking: a research review of front-line working with children and families' by Nick Frost, Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds. This resource provides a useful introduction to the book, which includes more detail about the evidence from which the themes noted here are drawn as well as full references, brief historical and conceptual context, and practice examples.

Professionalism, partnership and joined-up thinking : a research review of front-line working with children and families

This review directly addresses the practical implications of multiprofessional and multiagency working on the front line. It draws messages from a diffuse range of literature spanning organisational theories, research and practice to offer guidance to practitioners, team leaders and educators. While relating the evidence to historical, theoretical and current policy contexts, it retains a primary interest in the day-to-day experience of professionals in social care, education, health and other areas, and in trying to improve the outcomes for vulnerable children and families.

Getting it right together : unit 5 : working with people with learning disabilities

This resource - Getting it right together on learning disabilities, has been written for all pre-registration nursing students in Scotland. It comprises five units of study that will support something in the order of 12 to 15 hours of directed and, or, facilitated learning on a range of issues that relate to learning disabilities. Unit 5 considers key issues involved in working with people with learning disabilities.