stereotyped attitudes

Getting it right: assessments for black and minority ethnic carers and service users

This learning resource will provide the learner with the necessary skills and knowledge to critically examine — from point of assessment to actual service delivery — how the needs of minority ethnic carers and service users are currently being met. It therefore aims to ensure that the need to achieve equality of opportunity and access lies at the heart of individual and collective practice.

The psychology of prejudice

From the persecution of Jewish people in 12th Century England to society's attitude towards people with HIV and AIDS in 2002, prejudice, stigma and the 'fear of the unknown' have always been with us, playing a central role in dividing people, cultures and races. This factsheet looks at what makes us prejudiced and how we can challenge it.

HIV-related stigma & discrimination : racial and ethnic minorities

Stigmatisation and discrimination are not new to migrant communities, and the AIDS epidemic has played into and reinforced existing racism and xenophobia. This factsheet looks at the way ethnic and racial groups are often perceived and judged as a group, rather than as individuals. They are stereotyped as being 'aggressive', 'unqualified', 'uneducated', or 'criminal'. There is abundant evidence to refute each of these stereotypes.

Attitudes and Images of Ageing

This learning object is about ways in which people's experience of ageing and mental health are shaped by society's attitudes to older people and later life. You will consider the way age-related images and ideas, displayed in the media and in everyday language, shape our perceptions; but also what we know about older people's own attitudes and aspirations. This object also contains a self-assessment section where you can test how far you have assimilated the key messages from this learning object.