
Review of clinical and social care governance arrangements in health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland, 2008: Southern Health and Social Care Trusts

Clinical and social care governance is described as a framework within which Health and Personal Social Services organisations can demonstrate their accountability for continuous improvement in the quality of services and for safeguarding high standards of care and treatment.

Partnerships and networks : past lessons from health and social care (Briefing note 1)

Paper giving an overview of the main lessons learned from a study of two existing networks and partnerships in health and social services, Managed Clinical Networks and Health Action Zones. The issues raised are examined with a view to establishing the potential for identifying best practice for partnership working.

Key Capabilities in Child Care and Protection

The Key Capabilities (KC) in Child Care and Protection are designed to allow students within social work degree programmes to map their specific learning in this area whilst achieving the more generic Standards in Social Work Education (SiSWE). The KCs further allow social work students to evidence their learning in child care and protection by their progress being assessed at the mid and end points of the programme.