housing associations

Growing up in social housing in Britain: A profile of four generations from 1946 to the present day

A look at the role of social housing for four generations of families since the Second World War. This study describes how housing for families has changed over time and explores the relationship between social housing, family circumstances and the 'adult outcomes' for children who grew up in social housing – i.e. their experiences when they are adults.

Housing associations and home adaptations: making it work smoothly

This research and development project aimed to assist housing associations and local authorities to establish fair, efficient and effective arrangements for carrying out home adaptations. The report covers legislation and funding policy on adaptations; barriers to effective partnership, which included uncertainty about the law and guidance, structural factors and poor communications; and setting up an adaptation agreement.

Evaluation of ownership options' pilot advice service on disability issues for registered social landlords taking part in Scottish Government funded shared equity provision

Reid Howie Associates was commissioned by the Scottish Government in Summer 2008 to carry out an evaluation of a pilot advice service on disability issues provided by Ownership Options for Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) taking part in Scottish Executive (now Scottish Government) funded shared equity provision in Scotland.