
Community Catalysts

Website of a company that seeks to harness the talents of people and communities to provide imaginative solutions to complex social issues and care needs.

A Community Interest Company established by and working in close partnership with the charity NAAPS UK.

Improving housing outcomes for young people: practical ideas

This paper presents 27 practical examples drawn from the housing sector which seek to improve housing outcomes for young people; focuses on detailed work in Northamptonshire, but draws on case studies from across the UK; and shares ideas for possible replication.

It was produced as one output from a three-year programme of research and development aiming to achieve better housing outcomes for young people in the UK.

Challenge question: how can we help tackle child poverty – our main business is housing and tenancy issues?

Child Poverty challenge question postcards on housing published by Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s Services (C4EO). This downloadable postcard present challenge questions from C4EO’s research. The questions act as checklists to stimulate multi-agency thinking and help you develop your Child Poverty strategy and practice. There are questions for strategic leaders in children’s services, housing professionals, health professionals and frontline practitioners.

Fairness in an ageing society

Every political party's election manifesto should include an outline of long term entitlements to highlight a commitment to treating older people fairly, according to a report by housing and care provider Housing 21, Fair ageing: the challenge of our lifetime. The report brings together key messages and themes to emerge from a series of events organised by the Fabian Society for Housing 21 in partnership with Counsel and Care - the Fairness in an Ageing Society programme.