
What resources can you access to help you support families?

Research on families involved with child protection services in the United Kingdom reveal that many the families all share the common experiences of living on a low income, suffering housing difficulties, and social isolation. The children and families experiencing these factors may often feel that they have few choices available to help them. This learning object explores the complex issues that often surround these children and families.

How do I get help?

Factsheet providing information and advice on sources of help available to all those caring for family members or friends in Scotland. Topics covered include carers' assessments, emotional support, financial matters and making a complaint.

Health impact assessment (HIA) of the draft East End local development strategy entitled 'Changing places : changing lives'

Report detailing the findings of a health impact assessment of a draft local development strategy by Glasgow City Council for the east end of Glasgow designed to make the area a model of sustainable development and tackle issues of population health, environmental quality and social deprivation.