
Long-term ill health, poverty and ethnicity

This research studied Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Ghanaian and white English working-age people living with long-term ill health. It found that the effect of long-term ill health in reducing chances of employment was similar across ethnic groups. Individuals with long-term conditions required substantial flexibility in employment, due to pain, fatigue, unpredictable symptoms and health appointments; this could conflict with employers' needs for reliability.

Physical health in mental health: final report of a scoping group

This is the final report of a scoping group that aimed to explore a range of issues concerning the general health of people with mental health problems with a view to making recommendations to the Council of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

The report begins by introducing the scoping group, its key recommendations and an overview of physical health in mental health care.

Report of the Disability Working Group

Report of the Disability Working Group and Executive Response. The report of the Disability Working Group sets out their recommendations for the Scottish Executive, local authorities, employers, educators, community care providers etc. Recommendations in the report provide both an agenda for immediate action and a platform to build onto improve equality for disabled people in Scotland.