
Is the harm still hidden? Inconsistent responses to Hidden Harm in specialist addiction services

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) report Hidden Harm (2003) outlined key deficits in the provision of services to pregnant drug users, drug using parents and to the children of drug using parents, while highlighting the extent of child exposure to parental drug use. In 2007, a follow-up report assessed what had changed in the intervening period focusing on examples of good practice and positive change. This paper is based on the results from a follow-up postal survey of managers of specialist drug services in the UK.

Parents as partners in early learning : case studies - the international new arrivals project, Sandwell

Document describing an international new arrivals scheme, the main objectives of which were to forge inter-agency links, create bespoke staff training, create activities and sessions aimed at new arrivals and encourage newly-arrived parents to engage fully with early years services.

Policy and practice guidelines for working with children and families affected by problem drug use : getting our priorities right

The first part of the guidance sets out what is currently known about the extent of parental problem drug use and the impact on children. The second tackles the complex area of confidentiality and offers advice to agencies about when, and how, to share information. Part 3 outlines what agencies need to ask of families when they present with drug problems.

SCIE research briefing 14: Helping parents with learning disabilities in their role as parents

This research briefing was published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence in February 2005. A SCIE research briefing is a summary of information on a particular topic to update practice at the health and social care interface. The topic of this briefing is parents with intellectual or learning disabilities and the support they may need to help them as parents.

Fathers - understanding their role

Understanding Childhood is a leaflet written by experienced child psychotherapists to give insight into the child’s feelings and view of the world and help parents, and those who work with children, to make sense of their behaviour. Understanding the vital role that fathers, and father figures, play in children’s emotional development.