
Poverty : interview with Moraene Roberts of ATD Fourth World

Moraene (Mo) Roberts has worked with the charity ATD Fourth World for many years and has worked with many families in poverty. Her experiences and insights into the issues of poverty and social exclusion provides a very useful overview of the issues facing families living in poverty and some key lessons for practitioners who are in contact with these families. The interview lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Building character

Report of a research project which studied the development of character capabilities contributing to life chances and the factors influencing their development. It concludes that the early years are the critical years in this regard and that parents are, consequently, the principal character builders in society.

Elective home education: guidelines for local authorities

These government guidelines have been prepared to help local authorities carry out their statutory responsibilities and manage their relationships with home educating parents. Where parents have chosen to home educate, it is important that home educated child to have a positive experience. These guidelines aim to clarify the balance between the right of the parent to educate their child at home and the responsibilities of the local authority. ‘Parents’ should be taken to include all those with parental responsibility, including guardians and carers.