
Protection of Children and Prevention of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2005

The primary policy objective of this Act is to improve the protection given to children and young people from those who would wish to cause them sexual harm, or exploit them for sexual purposes. The Act also aims to improve the protection given to adults and children alike from those convicted of sexual offences who still pose a risk of sexual harm.

Whole woman: essential information for mums

A small booklet designed primarily for women, although it recognises that men experience domestic violence too. It acknowledges women's fears and encourages them to seek help for themselves and their children. It helps women to understand the impact of domestic violence on their children and encourages them to move on from a position of feeling powerless to being able to take action to improve the situation.

Manifesto for childhood

The manifesto sets out a plan of action based on the findings of The Good Childhood Inquiry®, 'A Good Childhood: Searching for Values in a Competitive Age', which stimulated a major national debate about how the nation treats its young people. The manifesto identifies three key areas in which political leaders must act to improve childhood now and for future generations, and calls for every political party to write these pledges into their manifestos.

Disabled children and childcare (Radio 4 series: Woman's Hour)

This episode of Radio 4's Woman's Hour series looks at the widening wealth gap under the Labour Government. More than half of families with disabled children live on the margins of poverty; just 16 percent of mothers with disabled children work, compared with 61 percent of other mothers; and childminders and nurseries geared to providing facilities for disabled children are scarce. With the Government setting targets to tackle child poverty,

Severe Child Poverty in Scotland

Save the Children's recent research estimates that 90,000 children in Scotland live in severe poverty. Douglas Hamilton, Head of Policy and Research, will provide an overview of Save the Children's recent work in this area focussing on the Poverty Premium and access to services. He will also draw attention to some of the policy and practice changes that Save the Children are calling for. Professor Bob Holman, anti-poverty campaigner and community worker, will respond to Douglas' paper focusing on the impact that inequality has on the lives of Scotland's children.

Growing up in Scotland Study (GUS)

The Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS) is a longitudinal research project aimed at tracking the lives of a cohort of Scottish children from the early years, through childhood and beyond. Funded by the Scottish Executive Education Department, its principal aim is to provide information to support policy-making, but it is also intended to be a broader resource that can be drawn on by academics, voluntary sector organisations and other interested parties.