
Parental drug and alcohol misuse

This report created by Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) provides clear insights into the difficult lives of many vulnerable young people, dealing with parents who misuse drugs and alcohol. The report calls for young people to be involved in debate about the type of support they need and value to enable them to cope better.


Kindred (previously Special Needs Information Point (SNIP)) provides advice, advocacy and information to support families with complex needs.

The Good Childhood Inquiry

The Good Childhood Inquiry was commissioned by the Children's Society and launched in 2006 "as the UK's first independent national inquiry into childhood. Its aims were to renew society's understanding of modern childhood and to inform, improve and inspire all our relationships with children." On 5th February 2009, the Children's Society launched the findings of the inquiry in the report entitled 'A Good Childhood: Searching for values in a competitive age'.

GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services - Getting It Right for Every Child: Managing the change

This podcast is taken from the 'GIRFEC: Childhood, Citizenship and Children's Services' Conference held in Glasgow on the 24-26 September. Session 5 - Changing Children's Services. Professor Jane Aldgate, The Open University thanks about children's rights, and children development.

Parental drug and alcohol misuse: resilience and transition among young people

A growing number of children are affected by parental substance misuse, and policy and practice increasingly recognise the need to tackle the problems that this causes. Currently, the needs of older children are less well known or addressed. This study explores the experiences of 38 young people, aged 15–27 years, who had at least one parent with a drug or alcohol problem.

Early Intervention: Securing good outcomes for all children and young people

Today, it is widely agreed by experts across the world that early intervention can be of enormous benefit to children. That is why, as this paper sets out, the government is investing in a number of evidence-based prevention and early intervention programmes and supporting their roll out across the country.

This document draws together a wealth of research and good practice with the aim of supporting Children’s Trust Boards and their constituent partners to bring greater consistency, rigour and impact to the way early intervention is organised and delivered locally.