
What Scottish parents tell us - Full Report of IPSOS Poll undertaken for pas 2008

In 2007 the Scottish Government launched the National Performance Framework which set out, among other things, its vision for children and young people. Part of that vision is a commitment to provide all children with the best start in life and encourage young people to develop into successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.

Realising Potential : developing personalised conditionality and support : a discussion paper on next steps in implementing the Gregg Review

This discussion paper sets out further detail about how the Government plans to implement the recommendations of the Gregg Review on personalised conditionality and support (published in December 2008). In particular it focuses on the supportive framework we want to put in place to help many more parents with younger children and Employment and Support Allowance claimants to prepare for work. Putting this framework in place should ensure further progress in our aim to support families, promote employment and eradicate child poverty.

Tackling child poverty when parents cannot work

The report describes the current strengths and weaknesses in policy provision to combat child poverty when parental employment is constrained and is a timely analysis given the approaching 2010 deadline for halving child poverty from 1999 levels. The analysis uses original and unique tax-benefit modelling of current provision across a range of low-paid and out-of-work family profiles.

Good practice guidance for children in care councils

The Government's decision to provide all children and young people with the opportunity to participate fully in decisions that affect them is to be welcomed. It should give Local Authorities the opportunity to develop the appropriate methods of communication that participants need to engage fully in the Children in Care Councils. Children in Care Councils have the potential to contribute to transforming the lives of those involved, providing that children and young people are given the correct platform to share and discuss their views.