
Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance

The purpose of this guidance is to describe and clarify good practice in health facilitation and health action planning and support localities to make progress on this and on reducing health inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities. It builds on previous DH guidance and reflects the learning that has taken place since 2002 along with key recommendations of relevant recent reports and research. Short examples of good practice are included throughout.

Child witness support

Consultation document that contains individual sections on a system of integrated support for child witnesses, guidance on investigative interviewing, the provision of pre-court therapy, the conduct of court familiarisation visits, the questioning of children in court, and a format for communicating information about child witnesses throughout the legal process.

Social networks and employability

Report investigating social networks as a factor in labour market proximity and likelihood of gaining sustained employment. Qualitative methods were used to explore these networks and glean new knowledge of processes underpinning people's participation in employment. The principal aim of the research was to provide employability agencies with a better understanding of how to support and advise clients in a holistic manner.

Children's hearing system in Scotland training resource manual (1st Revised Edition)

Manual published by the Scottish Government for the training of Children's Panel members. It provides information about the system, the relevant legislation and good practice, and is intended to widen the understanding of panel members about children's circumstances and enable them to make sound, well-informed decisions.

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance newsletter September 2004

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) promotes, supports and defends the principles and practice of independent advocacy across Scotland. This newsletter provides an update on the progress of the SIAA. Points of interest include information about independent advocacy and working with the legal profession; general hospital care for people with learning disabilities; training information; leaflets about health rights, and details of a report into access to banking services by people with learning disabilities.