
Fear of the Unknown : addressing fears, myths, attitudes and values around child protection issues

The aim of this workshop is to dispel the fears of people who are relatively new to child protection issues, and those who feel it is a muddy area of legislation and uncomfortable procedures for themselves and the children and young people they work with.

The beauty of this workshop is it can be used for introduction to child protection issues or to update existing knowledge or beliefs. The exercise lasts between 1 to 3 hours and is suitable for groups of 3 to 20.

Joined up working with children and families on the front line

This resource highlights key themes from the Research in Practice publication 'Professionalism, partnership and joined-up thinking: a research review of front-line working with children and families' by Nick Frost, Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds. This resource provides a useful introduction to the book, which includes more detail about the evidence from which the themes noted here are drawn as well as full references, brief historical and conceptual context, and practice examples.

Service provision for children and young people with complex needs in a community setting from the perspectives of nursing and allied health professionals

Report of a study which examined the nature and provision of care by nurses and allied health professionals to children and young people with complex needs across Scotland.

Information was gathered from workforce development plans and a survey of practitioners to build up a picture of where children and young people receive care, the knowledge and skills required to provide that care and the challenges facing services.

End of life care

Report investigating the state of end of life care services in England and making recommendations as to how they could be improved. It also points to issues that arise from the implementation of the Department of Health's End of Life Care Strategy.

Independent living : the right to be equal citizens

Report investigating what it would mean if the social services system in the UK was underpinned by a philosophy of independent living. It describes transformative work already done to show what personalisation looks like in practice, uses case studies of user-led organisations to describe the 'why', 'what' and 'how' of independent living and suggests what should be possible if government implements wholesale reform of the system.

'Work in progress': an audit of criminal justice social work provision in Scotland 2001-2002 (Towards effective practice, paper 2)

Report presenting the results of an audit of criminal justice social work provision in Scotland carried out to gain a national picture of the main areas of structured activity in community based programme and service development in Scotland.

Professionalism, partnership and joined-up thinking : a research review of front-line working with children and families

This review directly addresses the practical implications of multiprofessional and multiagency working on the front line. It draws messages from a diffuse range of literature spanning organisational theories, research and practice to offer guidance to practitioners, team leaders and educators. While relating the evidence to historical, theoretical and current policy contexts, it retains a primary interest in the day-to-day experience of professionals in social care, education, health and other areas, and in trying to improve the outcomes for vulnerable children and families.

Impact evaluation of a pilot mental health in the workplace training initiative

Report of a study which assessed the effectiveness and appropriateness of a pilot mental health in the workplace training initiative. In particular it reports on the immediate impact of the initiative, the intermediate outcomes and makes recommendations for the future based on course content, delivery mechanisms and future roll out.