
'Voice of the Child' Under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 : Giving Due Regard for Children's Views in All Matters that Affect Them : Volume 1

The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 brings together aspects of family, child care and adoption law that affect children. The Act seeks to incorporate the 3 key principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) – i.e. non- discrimination; a child’s welfare as a primary consideration; and listening to children’s views, into Scottish legislation and practice.

Debt Arrangement and Attachment (Scotland) Act 2002

This Act of Scottish Parliament is in five parts. Part 1 covers the Debt Arrangement Scheme, a national debt arrangement scheme to enable multiple debts to be assessed with the support of money advisers and paid in accordance with a debt payment programme over a period of time.

Part 2 introduces a new method of enforcement, or diligence, for the attachment of corporeal moveable property. Corporeal moveable property is property which is tangible (corporeal), is not fixed like land or buildings and can be handled and moved (moveable).

Housing associations and home adaptations: making it work smoothly

This research and development project aimed to assist housing associations and local authorities to establish fair, efficient and effective arrangements for carrying out home adaptations. The report covers legislation and funding policy on adaptations; barriers to effective partnership, which included uncertainty about the law and guidance, structural factors and poor communications; and setting up an adaptation agreement.

How unwanted acts become crimes (Radio 4 series: Thinking Allowed)

This episode of Radio 4's Thinking Allowed series includes a segment on the way in which unwanted acts can become crimes. The relationship between levels of crime and fear of crime continues to exercise academics and policy makers alike. The question is asked if soaring prison populations accurately reflect the former or the latter. Laurie Taylor is joined by Nils Christie, Professor of Criminology at the University of Oslo, who argues that crime is a product of cultural, social and mental processes.

Criminal Procedure (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 2002

This Act of Scottish Parliament covers intermediate diets and how they relate to arrest warrants. An intermediate diet is a hearing set by a court, in summary criminal proceedings, for the purpose of ascertaining, so far as is reasonably practicable, whether the case is likely to proceed to trial on the date assigned as a trial diet. If an accused does not appear as required for an intermediate diet, the court may grant a warrant for his or her arrest.