case study

Developing a personal outcomes approach: Julie Gardener (Audio recording)

Julie Gardener, Assistant Director of VOCAL (Voice of carers across Lothian) talks about developing a personal outcomes approach and outcomes for integration of health and social care.

The audio recording was made on the 25 February 2013 at an event organised by the Social Services Research Group (SSRG) entitled, 'Improving outcomes through integrated social care and health'.

For further information about the event see:

Where from? Where now?

Project which aims to create a textured picture of the day-to-day reality of homelessness as experienced by the women who are living through it and the insights from the people who support them.

The website is an online platform that brings together the work created over the 18-month project, which culminated in an exhibition at gallery@oxo from 14th - 18th November on London's South Bank in November 2012.

Co-production: working with the third sector to reshape dementia services in East Dunbartonshire

Documents East Dunbartonshire's Dementia Clinic Advisory Service, which is built on a model of co-production and choice for people with dementia.

It is a service co-designed and delivered by a network of third sector providers. The service delivery model is already helping to reshape services and reduce pressure on frontline council services and budgets.