North Lanarkshire Council: housing and social work services
Case study on North Lanarkshire Council and its housing and social care services.
Case study on North Lanarkshire Council and its housing and social care services.
Document containing a number of case studies exemplifying innovative practice in end of life care taking place in care homes in England. The case studies illustrate how employing new approaches to end of life care can help to improve the quality of care, cut unnecessary hospital admissions and ensure more people end their lives in the place and manner of their choosing.
Case study describing an innovative approach to getting the views of people approaching retirement on their future housing and accommodation needs and what they might expect/would like or be prepared to fund in terms of support.
Casenote examining what boys call ChildLine about and how this has changed over a period of five years. It compares the number of calls on different subjects, the ages of boys calling across the range of subjects and the links between the issues affecting boys. The views of ChildLine counsellors are also included.
This learning object is to introduces Practice Learning Qualification (PLQ) candidates to key concepts and theories relating to communication within the contexts of education, health and social services. It uses the specific context of practice learning within social work education to introduce and explore the themes of verbal, non-verbal and written communication, and communication across diverse situations. In particular it highlights the values and techniques involved in giving and receiving feedback during professional practice learning.
Document describing a project with the goals of developing practitioners' skills in engaging with parents and forging stronger links between children's learning in early years settings and in the home environment. Methods used to achieve these aims included workshop-picnics promoting the principles of the Letters and Sounds approach.
Case study from Leeds, Yorkshire describing a project run by the voluntary sector which helps young people involved in substance misuse by assessing their particular needs and then putting them in contact with the appropriate agencies to meet those needs. Also offered are implementation tips for others to implement such a 'one-stop shop' approach.
Case study from Wiltshire describing a programme designed to support young offenders about to be released and provide them with assistance to find either employment or educational opportunities. Also offered are implementation tips for others interested in starting similar programmes.
Case study from Greenwich, London describing the setting up of health centres in schools and the positive impact these have had on issues such as teenage pregnancy and other health and well-being issues affecting young people. Also offered are implementation tips for others interested in setting up similar centres.
Case study from Bournemouth showing how a targeted and integrated multi-agency approach successfully reduced teenage pregnancy rates and offering implementation tips for others wishing to achieve the same objectives.