research report

Inequalities in respite service provision: Insights from a national, longitudinal study of people with intellectual disabilities

Paper from the Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2010, 23, 85–9. This study highlights some of the complexities in reducing inequalities in the provision of respite services and in identifying the need for them.

Perspectives on ageing with a learning disability

Paper that explores what people with learning disabilities and their families have to say about getting older, their experiences and feelings, and what is most important to them in later life.

Cally Ward gathered views from a range of people with learning disabilities, who often have high levels of unmet health needs as a result of the inequalities they have experienced in the health system.

Perspectives on ageing in Gypsy families

Paper that offers a glimpse into the life of older Gypsies as they reflect on their past and on how the non-Gypsy community have impacted on their lives. Traditionally, Gypsies have been nomadic, but successive governments have legislated against Gypsy life.

Many Gypsies have now been forced to abandon their traditional ways and live on permanent sites. Consequently, many Gypsy elders look back on their nomadic life with great affection and a sense of loss, not only for themselves but also for young Gypsy families who will be denied the opportunity to follow these traditions.