research report

Health care in care homes: a special review of the provision of health care to those in care homes

Review which aimed to look at how well the health care needs of people living in care homes were met, based on commissioning and provider behaviours. The scope for the review set out to consider practice not just in individual care homes, but to focus attention on the rights of people in care homes to access NHS services that met their needs. This included GP services and pathways for continence care, NHS support for care homes to ensure quality of health care through direct provision of district nursing services, and training for care home staff.

Think child, think parent, think family: final evaluation report [SCIE report 56]

In July 2009, the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) published a guide entitled Think child, think parent, think family: a guide to parental mental health and child welfare to help services improve their response to parents with mental health problems and their families. This document and its overall ethos are here referred to as ‘think family’. This is the final evaluation report of the project, documenting the progress made by the sites involved, and making recommendations for future activity.

Involvement of users and carers in social work education: a practice benchmarking study [SCIE report 54]

SCIE report 54. Workforce Development report 54. Since 2002 higher education institutions (HEIs) have been required to develop service user and carer involvement (SUCI) throughout the design and delivery of degree programmes. This small-scale study aims to provide a benchmark of how practice is progressing across the 83 HEIs in England which offer the social work degree, and to support the development of guidance for social work educators. Report published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE ) in February 2012.

Choice and control for all: the role of individual service funds in delivering fully personalised care and support

The continued drive to transform social care through personalisation and the ongoing focus of Government on personal budgets for everyone who is eligible by 2013 presents a huge challenge to the sector. Making a reality of transformation of this scale in a way that really changes lives at a time of continued pressure on public finances places great demands on councils and providers alike.