research report

Child protection services: findings of joint inspections 2009-12

Report that provides a high level overview of the findings of the second programme of joint inspections of child protection services carried out across all 32 council areas in Scotland between August 2009 and March 2012.

These findings, taken in context and set against the findings of the first programme, highlight progress made across Scotland since Ministers first asked for scrutiny dedicated to improving outcomes for children in need of protection.

Principles of Good Transitions 3 - Scottish Transitions Forum

Document that has been developed with the aim of informing policy and to fundamentally change the way things are done in Scotland in the area of youth transitions, from the top down and the bottom up.

Young people and their carers need help to achieve positive outcomes through greater personalisation, independence, choice and control of the transitions process.

Beyond homelessness. Developing positive social networks: research into the application and effects of a networks approach in tackling homelessness

The final report of a research project which explored the impact that social networks (the formal and informal relationships we have) have in helping people who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness, to ensure lasting routes out of homelessness and secure tenancies. It worked with housing support providers and those in receipt of support to understand which services have a lasting impact on routes out of homelessness and how these services promote a networks approach.

Frontline. Improving the children’s social work profession

This paper investigates the nature and extent of the problems facing the children's social work profession. Last year, there were around 1,350 vacant jobs in this field, many of which were concentrated in certain areas. Despite a concerted effort to tackle this shortage of workers, there are widespread concerns about the skills, competencies and calibre of new recruits to the profession.

Evaluation of the sector-led peer challenge programme 2012/13

The peer challenge programme is an integral part of the sector-led improvement programme. While originally conceived as a centrally run system with a number of 'early adopter' councils, peer challenge has developed on a regional basis. Each region now has its own programme manager, a lead-Chief Executive, a lead-Lead Member for Children's Services, and a lead Director of Children's Services (DCS) who drive forward the regional approach.