research report

The national drug-related deaths database (Scotland) report 2011

Third report from the National Drug Related Deaths Database (NDRDD) for Scotland which presents data for the calendar year 2011. The NDRDD was established to collect detailed information regarding the nature and social circumstances of individuals who have died a drug-related death.

This report supplements the routine reporting of drug related deaths in Scotland by the National Records of Scotland (NRS), formerly known as the General Register Office for Scotland.

Early intervention: decision-making in local authority children's services

Action for Children commissioned the Social Care Institute for Excellence to undertake a study of local authority decision-making in respect of long-term decision making and early intervention services. In particular, the study sought to gain a better understanding of the factors that facilitate and hinder delivery of improved outcomes for children and families over the longer-term, working on the basis that long-term planning and early intervention are inextricably linked.

Dementia: finding housing solutions

Report that highlights how good housing and related services can impact positively on the lives of people with dementia, from delaying more intensive forms of care to preventing admission and readmission to hospital. Case studies from housing associations and home improvement agencies show how appropriate housing can:

  • reduce or delay demand for health and social care services for people with dementia
  • improve the rate of diagnosis of dementia
  • deliver improved health and social care outcomes at a lower cost

Widening choices for older people with high support needs

This study examines the experiences of older people with high support needs involved in support based on mutuality and reciprocity. It shares the benefits and outcomes achieved for individuals, families, communities and organisations funding and providing this support. The findings are relevant to the future funding and delivery of long-term care, and the transformation of local services. The report highlights how:

SCIE report 65: early intervention: decision-making in local authority children’s services

This is a study of local authority decision-making in respect to long-term decision making and early intervention services. The study seeks to gain a better understanding of the factors that facilitate and hinder delivery of improved outcomes for children and families over the longer-term. This report synthesises the data gathered from: a literature review; 30 telephone interviews with senior officers and members in local authorities in England; and feedback from 49 subject matter experts attending five regional events.