briefing paper

Count Us In: We're still here: Successful Transitions from Secondary School

The document has been produced by HM Inspectorate of Education specifically to support secondary schools in improving the experiences and successes of all their pupils in making post-school transitions, but it will also be useful for those working in partner agencies. This document is part of the wider support comprising The Journey to Excellence series and is a follow up to Count us in.

Commissioning what works : the economic and financial case for supported employment (Briefing 41)

Briefing paper analysing the economic and financial case for Individual Placement and Support (IPS), a form of supported employment which helps mental health service users into paid competitive work. It concludes that IPS is more effective than any other form of vocational support in helping people into employment.

Review of evidence on the impact of economic downturn on disadvantaged groups

This working paper reviews the evidence on the impact of the last three economic recessions on the PSA 8 (indicator 2) disadvantaged groups (that is, disabled people, ethnic minorities, lone parents, people aged 50 and over, the 15 per cent lowest qualified, and those living in the most deprived local authority wards), as well as ex-offenders and the self-employed.

Support and Information for children affected by imprisonment

Key points from this briefing are presented. Every year in the UK, more children experience a parent’s imprisonment than a parent’s divorce. Prisoners’ children suffer from many problems as a result of the imprisonment. Talking to children and young people about imprisonment is not easy and is a significant source of stress for parents and carers. A number of resources are increasingly available to help explain imprisonment to children and to give children and young people the information they need.

Basic income, social justice and freedom

On 11 March 2009, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation hosted a symposium on Basic income, social justice and freedom, jointly organised with the University of York's School of Politics, Economics and Philosophy. Based on themes from the work of eminent political philosopher Philippe Van Parijs, it discussed his argument for the introduction of a basic income paid unconditionally, without work requirements or means tests.

Understanding Parents' Information Needs and Experiences where Professional Concerns about Non-Accidental Injury were Not Substantiated

This project explored parents’ experiences of situations where concerns of Non-Accidental Injury (NAI) were raised and how they remembered and reflected on these. It also investigated increasing the awareness of paediatricians and other health professionals of what is perceived as helpful or less helpful from the parents' perspective, and making suggestions for paediatric training to improve communication.

Will community-based support services make direct payments a viable option for black and minority ethnic service users and carers? (Race equality discussion paper 1)

Discussion paper addressing the question of whether community-based services can deliver better results for black and minority ethnic (BME) service users by explaining the latest direct payments legislation and how it is supposed to work, summarising research evidence which indicates an inability of BME service users to embrace direct payments fully and asks questions which could make direct payments more effective for BME service users.