briefing paper

Social work assessment of children in need: what do we know? - messages from research

Review that draws together UK research findings that provide information on the assessment of children in need. The period covered by the review starts with the transition from the ‘Orange Book’, the Department of Health’s (1988) practice guidance on comprehensive social work assessments, to the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families (Department of Health et al., 2000).

Social media in the social services

The web has revolutionised the way the world uses and shares information yet, despite the growing awareness of the value of social networking and social media, people working in the public sector frequently report that access to web-based services is blocked or that their web browser lacks the required functionality to interact with web-based media. This report builds on existing evidence to argue the case for breaking down the cultural and technology barriers that inhibit the use of social media for managing and sharing knowledge in the workplace.