
Choice and independence over the lifecourse

Report that looks at how far government and other organisations are making information about social care more easily available. It examines the challenges that organisations providing home care services face in responding to service users’ choices and the help that local authorities can give these organisations to meet such challenges.

It also reviews the available research evidence on how service users, carers and professionals balance the benefits of choice against the potential risks involved.

Working outside the box: An evaluation of short breaks and intensive support services to families and disabled young people whose behaviour is severely challenging. Summary report

The summary report brings together the main findings from the evaluation undertaken of three Action for Children services in Cardiff, Glasgow and Edinburgh. These provide specialist short breaks and intensive support services to families and young people with developmental disabilities and whose behaviour is severely challenging. This summary report describes the aims of the evaluation and the methodologies used.

New approaches to supporting carers’ health and well-being: Evidence from the National Carers’ Strategy Demonstrator Sites programme

The National Carers’ Strategy Demonstrator Sites programme was developed by the Department of Health as part of the commitments made in the July 2008 National Carers’ Strategy Carers at the Heart of 21st Century Families and Communities. These commitments included new measures to improve carers’ health and well-being and were incorporated into DH financial plans in 2008-9.This report explores the extent to which the DS were able to meet their objectives and draws out learning from their experiences of delivering services to carers in new ways.

Getting it together for mental health care: payment by results, personalisation and whole system working

Paper that considers how the two policy initiatives of Payment by Results (PbR) and personalisation need to be developed in tandem with one another, and in the context of whole system commissioning, if the aims of both are to be achieved.

It raises some questions for discussion about whether personalisation and PbR can meet the challenge of a more radical whole system approach and what impact success or failure will have on mental health services and outcomes for individuals. It concludes with some specific issues that need to be considered nationally and locally.

Another way: transforming peoples' lives through good practice in adult social care

Good practice report which offers snapshots - case studies from VODG member organisations - depicting the core issues that help improve the lives of vulnerable people.

The group of people that concerns this report include those with severe and complex needs, with sensory impairments or who have a autistic spectrum disorder.