
It's about time: an overview of short break (respite care) planning and provision in Scotland

‘It’s about time’ provides an overview of how local authorities in Scotland are approaching the planning of short break and respite care services. The research, carried out for Shared Care Scotland by Reid-Howie Associates Ltd, focuses on planning and provision within Adult and Older People’s Services.

'Would you have sandwiches for your tea every night?': older people's views of social care in Northern Ireland

Research produced as a result of a project which aimed to consult directly with older people to ascertain their views on all aspects of social care and report on the main findings.

SRC worked in partnership with Age NI staff and peer facilitators to recruit for and run three focus groups across NI. The focus groups were held in Belfast, Cookstown and Irvinestown. In total, twenty four older people attended the focus groups – two thirds male and one third female.

Implications of the Equality Act 2010 (At a glance 41)

Briefing that examines the implications of the Equality Act 2010 for personalised adult social care. The Act provides a legal framework which can support personalisation in adult social care.

They are both about ensuring individuals receive services that are respectful, effective and accessible. It is essential that care providers from all sectors understand the implications for them.

Personal budgets briefing: learning from the experiences of older people and their carers (At a glance 40)

A summary of older people’s and carers’ experiences of using self-directed support and personal budgets. It is based on a six month study, which also included people with mental health problems.

The research was commissioned from a joint team from Acton Shapiro, the National Centre for Independent Living (NCIL) and the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU).