
Follow-up evaluation of self-directed support test sites in Scotland

Follow-up evaluation that is built upon the initial evaluation of the self-directed support test sites which reported in September 2011.

This follow-on study sought to assess continued uptake in the test sites; to identify activities to further promote and increase awareness of self-directed support and identify system wide change within the test site local authorities.

Progressing personalisation: a review of personal budgets and direct payments for carers

Review that explores implementation of personalisation for carers, focusing specifically on personal budgets and direct payments in relation to support provided to carers. It reviews evidence on current implementation and identifies areas for further policy and practice development in view of proposed changes to the law in the draft Care and Support Bill.

It examines:

  • What personalisation should mean for carers
  • Assessment and eligibility
  • Resource allocation
  • Support planning and how personal budgets are spent

Social Care (Self-directed support) (Scotland) Bill: Stage 3

Briefing that provides a summary of the parliamentary scrutiny of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Bill prior to the Stage 3 proceedings, due on 28 November 2012.

It outlines:
- The Health and Sport's Committee's Stage 1 report recommendations and the Scottish Government's response
- Amendments agreed to at Stage 2
- Issues that were raised at Stage 2 but did not result in amendment to the Bill
- Amendments that have been lodged for Stage 3.

Scottish Government Respite Care Data 2012: Shared Care Scotland Summary

The Scottish Government recently released the 2012 data for the provision of respite in Local Authority areas across Scotland. The statistics are presented in "respite weeks provided or purchased by local authorities" and then further broken down into "overnight" and "daytime" respite for three age groups: 0-17, 18-64 and 65+. Much of the data is only comparable on a year-to-year basis due to methodological changes that have taken place over time. However a number of helpful comparisons are possible.

Picking up the pieces: supporting carers with emergency planning

This report presents the findings of research carried out by ENABLE Scotland between April 2011 and April 2012 with the aim of improving knowledge and understanding of emergency planning for carers in Scotland, particularly within the wider context of Carer’s Assessments.

The report has two main objectives:

1. To establish the provision of support to carers with emergency planning across all local authority areas, highlighting examples of good practice and producing recommendations based on the findings.

2. To explore the role of sibling carers.

A review of the literature on respite care provision

This literature review focuses on the current provision of respite care / disabled Holidays in the UK. It particularly focuses on the views of the Government and disabled advocacy groups regarding the provision and funding of respite, and the effects of the recent government spending review upon these services. Literature was also studied relating to the views of respite care held by disabled people and their carers.