Health, employment and economic change, 1973-2009: repeated cross sectional study

Paper that looks at how the relation between occupational background, ill health, and economic activity has changed over the period 1973 to 2009, following an approach described in a paper published in the BMJ in 1996.

The research in the original paper was done to understand why falls in unemployment following the peaks of recessions in 1986 and 1990 were not accompanied by equal increases in employment.

Childhood adversities increase the risk of psychosis: a meta-analysis of patient-control, prospective- and cross-sectional cohort studies

Study that presents a quantitative review and meta-analysis of the available empirical literature, examining the magnitude and consistency of the effects of different, widely-examined types of adversity and trauma observed in: (i) prospective cohort studies, (ii) large population-based cross-sectional studies, and (iii) case-control studies.

Shaping the criminal justice system: The role of those supported by criminal justice services (IRISS Insights, No. 13)

One of a series of evidence reports to support social services in Scotland.

This Insight focuses on the issue of involving those who have offended in shaping the criminal justice system, exploring the different models of involvement, the effectiveness of different approaches and the implications for Criminal Justice Social Work services.

At a glance 54: reablement: a guide for families and carers

This briefing has been co-produced with Carers UK. It is common for people to be unsure about what reablement is, and for family and friends to be uncertain about what it means for them. This At a glance briefing is designed to help people understand what reablement is, and what family and friends can do to help. Resource published by Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in March 2012. Review date March 2015.