Operation of the homeless persons legislation in Scotland: 2011-12

Bulletin that provides information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes to 31 March 2012. It includes information on the characteristics of applicant households, local authority assessments and the action taken in respect of cases that were concluded.

Snapshot data on households in temporary accommodation at 31 March 2012 are presented and notifications of households at risk of homelessness due to eviction/repossession.

Outside In

Arts agency providing a platform for artists who find it difficult to access the art world either because of mental health issues, disability, health or social circumstance.

Therapeutic approaches to residential child care in Northern Ireland

Film that shows how children's homes in Northern Ireland have introduced training in ‘therapeutic approaches' for their residential child care staff.

The approaches help staff to have a better understanding of how children's experiences affect them, to consider their emotional needs and foster resilience. It focuses on the experience of staff and young people at the Lakewood Secure Unit.