Choices... What Choices?

Parents living in poverty face a complex set of factors at individual, family and community levels that make parenting more difficult. In this learning object you will explore a case study of Selina and her family, and in so doing, gain an understanding of some of the difficult choices faced by parents in poverty, as well as support services that could help parents cope. Note: This resource contains audio.

HandsOnScotland Toolkit

HandsOnScotland is an online resource for parents and anybody working with or caring for children and young people. The website provides practical information and techniques on how to respond helpfully to children and young people's troubling behaviour and offers advice and activities on how to help them flourish

Incorporating an understanding of poverty into assessments of children and their families

Practitioners often have to undertake assessments of children and their families who are living in poverty. To help improve the consistency and quality of these assessments the Government introduced the Framework for the Assessment of children in need and their families (DH, 2000). This learning object lets you explore the framework and its many dimensions. With the help of Barbara, a social worker, you will use the framework to assess the Johnson family, gaining an understanding of how the framework can help you in assessing the needs of children and families in your daily role.

Institute of Race Relations news network

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) was established as an independent educational charity in 1958 to carry out research, publish and collect resources on race relations throughout the world. Since 1972, the IRR has concentrated on responding to the needs of Black people and making direct analyses of institutionalised racism in Britain and the rest of Europe. Today, the Institute of Race Relations is at the cutting edge of the research and analysis that informs the struggle for racial justice in Britain and internationally.

Particular communication needs

This resource starts with a quiz and a short case study to help the user understand the complexities of defining and identifying impairment as well as the difficulties faced by people who have these impairments. Then it will be able to explore four different scenarios which present tips on working with particular communication needs of service users.