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Formative evaluation of the Constructs PSSO groupwork programme (Towards effective practice, paper 7)

Report of an evaluation of Constructs PSSO which is a groupwork programme for male offenders aged 18 and over. The programme aims to achieve a measurable reduction in re-offending for participants who finish the programme by helping them become better problem solvers and more able to put into practice pro-social solutions to problems.

National domestic violence delivery plan: annual progress report 2008-09

The Home Office presents an annual report about domestic violence, where statistics show that a big number of the victims have been victimised three or more times.

However a raising awareness about this type of violence within a range of practitioners and the increase of appropriate training and tools are becoming the keys to an early identification and intervention.

National programme for improving mental health and well-being: small research projects initiative 2005-06 - Mellow Babies

The Mellow Babies intervention was designed to develop close attunement between the mother and the child using a combination of baby-massage, interaction coaching and infant focused speech.

A waiting-list-controlled evaluation of the Mellow Babies intervention is described.

The objectives were to measure change in maternal depressive symptoms and the quality of interaction between mothers and babies. Recruitment was less than had been hoped, but for those mothers who completed the group, feedback from referrers and participants was positive.