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Reflective practice : signposts

This learning object is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. This chapter is designed to help students to reflect on the way they 'put their practice together' and to dispel the mystique associated with research and 'putting theory into practice'. It scrutinizes the processes which affect the practitioner's judgement in turning observations into action.

Introducing yourself

This learning object is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. This activity helps the student to understand that the process of intervention and assessment starts from the very beginning of contact, including the writing of a letter of appointment.

Changing Times: Improving services for older people - Report on the work of the Health and Social Care Change Agent Team 2003/04

Annual Report for 2003/04 of the Health and Social Care Change Agent Team which highlights practice that the Team has found to work and gives examples of good practice. Topics include reimbursement, commissioning, discharge planning and partnership working.

Drug misuse and dependence : UK guidelines on clinical management

This resource is intended for all clinicians, especially those providing pharmacological interventions for drug misusers as a component of drug misuse treatment. The report discusses the effectiveness of drug treatment, the impact of drug misuse on families and communities, psychosocial components of treatment, health considerations including preventing drug-related death and blood-borne infections and considered specific treatment situations and populations such as mental health, criminal justice, pregnancy, young people and prisons.

Measures to assist vulnerable or intimidated witnesses in the criminal justice system

In June 1998 the Government published “Speaking up for Justice”, a report of an Interdepartmental Working Group on the treatment of Vulnerable or Intimidated Witnesses in the Criminal Justice System. It proposed a coherent and integrated scheme to provide appropriate support and assistance for vulnerable or intimidated witnesses. This is a summary report of the key recommendations, legislation and implementation.

Safe from bullying in youth activities

Bullying does not only happen in normal school hours, it can happen anywhere. Children who are badly bullied in school are more likely than others to be bullied outside of it too. This guidance is aimed at managers, staff and volunteers in youth activities, clubs and groups – including local authority and third sector providers, and voluntary management committees. It outlines the possible bullying that might occur in youth activities and describes steps to prevent it and respond to it effectively.

Young people and substance use : the influence of personal, social and environmental factors on substance use among adolescents in Scotland

Report presenting the findings of a study which aimed to provide a holistic understanding of substance use behaviour among young people in Scotland and identify the key factors which influence alcohol, tobacco and drug use among this group. The report sets out to inform the development of relevant educational programmes and materials for use within schools.

Evaluation of the working for families fund (2004-2008)

This report summarises the findings of the Final Evaluation of the Working for Families Fund (WFF). WFF, which operated from 2004-08, invested in initiatives to remove childcare barriers and improve the employability of disadvantaged parents who have barriers to participating in the labour market, specifically to help them move towards, into, or continue in employment, education or training. The programme was administered by 20 local authorities (which covered 79% of Scotland’s population), operating through around 226 locally based public, private and third-sector projects.