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Are 'poor' pensioners 'deprived'?

The objective of this project was to describe and explain the relationship between age and living standards in later life: exploring how sensitive this relationship is to the questions being asked; and the extent to which the experience of individuals changes as they grow older.

The report is based on analysis of deprivation questions from the Poverty and Social Exclusion survey and the British Household Panel Survey.

The Tayside Domestic Abuse and Substance Misuse Project : Final Research Report : Summary of Findings

This resource is a summary of a research report into the Tayside Domestic Abuse and Substance Misuse Project. The findings presented in this report include a review of the literature on the links between domestic abuse and substance misuse, and secondary analysis of service user questionnaires, interviews with service users and interviews with domestic abuse and substance misuse service providers.

Effective Interventions Unit : evaluation guide 2 : planning an evaluation

This is the second evaluation guide in the Effective Interventions Unit Evaluation series. This guide aims to explain the planning stage of an evaluation by describing the steps necessary in planning both an intervention and an associated evaluation, identifying some general questions to address when planning an intervention, and outlining some questions that evaluations commonly tackle.

To help illustrate the main points in this guide, an example of a fictitious outreach needle exchange service is used.

Working together for Scotland: making it work together - a programme for government

Policy document which sets out the government's objectives for social policy to improve the lives of Scottish people in collaboration with the public, private and voluntary sectors, local government and the UK Government.

The document sets out achievements and targets in the following: justice, education and lifelong learning, health and community care, environment, transport, drugs and finance.

A new ambition for old age: next steps in implementing the National Service Framework for older people

Document laying out the priorities for the next stage of the National Service Framework for older people in England which are grouped under three themes, Dignity in Care, Joined-up Care and Healthy Ageing.

This stage comprises ten programmes driven nationally and spans the second half of the ten-year National Service Framework.