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Count us in: achieving success for deaf pupils: practical examples from primary, secondary and special schools

This report has been produced jointly by HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) and the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS). The aim of the publication is to report on the quality of education currently experienced by deaf children in Scottish schools, to provide examples of good practice and to identify signposts for improvement which schools can use when planning for excellence.

Experiences of the early implementation of the Mental health (care and treatment) (Scotland) act, 2003: a cohort study

This evaluative research study was commissioned to explore the implementation of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 (MHCT Act). A team of independent researchers including 8 mental health service users undertook the study, which lasted 2 years from September 2006.

Statutory Guidance, Children's Trusts: Statutory guidance on inter-agency cooperation to improve well-being of children, young people and their families

This guidance, issued under section 10 of the Children Act 2004 and to which all local authorities and “relevant partners” must have regard, replaces the Statutory guidance on inter-agency cooperation to improve wellbeing of children: children’s trusts (2005) and the consultation document Children’s Trusts: statutory guidance on inter-agency cooperation to improve well-being of children, young people and their families published in April 2008.

Comparisons of health-related behaviours and health measures in Greater Glasgow with other regional areas in Europe

Report presenting the findings of research which aimed to deepen understanding of Greater Glasgow's health relative to that of regional areas in other countries by comparing health-related behaviours and health measures in Greater Glasgow with those of different European regions. The regions compared were in England, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Wales, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Spain, Belgium and Germany.

Learning about personalisation : how can we put the learner at the heart of the education system?

Pamphlet arguing that the complexities of modern society mean that the learner has to be placed at the centre of education. It proposes personalised learning as a way of achieving this and explains how education and other public services can be transformed so that they offer genuinely personalised services.

Protection of children in England: a progress report

The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report, by Lord Laming, was published in March 2009 as HC 330. It was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families following the death of "Baby P". "This document, and its recommendations, are aimed at making sure that good practice becomes standard practice in every service. This includes recommendations on improving the inspection of safeguarding services and the quality of Serious Case Reviews as well as recommendations on improving the help and support children receive when they are at risk of harm.