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Effective interventions for complex families where there are concerns about, or evidence of, a child suffering significant harm (Safeguarding: briefing 1)

Briefing paper focusing on the effectiveness of interventions in complex child protection cases. Effectiveness here is defined as the prevention of further maltreatment or significant impairment to the child's development.

Making ContactPoint Work - Children' s views on the government guidance. A report by the Children's Rights Director for England

The Children's Rights Director is often asked by the Government to find out children's views about ideas or changes that are being proposed in children's social care. This report is about the rules that the Government is proposing for running the new ContactPoint database of all children in England.

Drug misuse declared : findings from the 2008/09 British Crime Survey : England and Wales (Home Office statistical bulletin)

Bulletin reporting on the prevalence and trends of illicit drug use among a nationally representative sample of 16 to 59 year olds (with a particular emphasis on young people aged 16 to 24) resident in households in England and Wales.