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SCIE report 1: listening exercise: summary of findings

This report summarises the findings of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Listening Exercise, which took place between February and July 2002. SCIE is an independent organisation created in response to the government drive to improve quality in social care services across England and Wales. It was launched in October 2001. As SCIE is a new organisation, it was considered appropriate during its first year to carry out a special Listening Exercise project. The purpose of the Listening Exercise was twofold: to inform people about the work of SCIE to date and, more importantly, to gather views from the field about areas of social care that need development and what SCIE's role in this development might be. SCIE's policy is to involve as wide a constituency of people and organisations as possible from social care in the establishment of its work programme. Report published in November 2002.

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)