V.I.P.s is a citizen leadership project committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people with learning disability and autism spectrum disorder by encouraging them to speak up for themselves and others.
- We organise “Living to Learn” classes with an emphasis on literacy, I.T. skills and citizenship skills all delivered in creative ways.
- We are working with East Ayrshire Council to develop a new way of effectively engaging with agencies and organisations called “Open House” following a successful pilot to consult on the learning disability strategy.
- We organise a range of social activities in Kilmarnock and Mauchlin including regular discos and community cafes.
V.I.P.s meet every week and invite people to bring issues and concerns to the V.I.P Forum, and in that forum we take part in consultations and work on our long term project to develop a catalogue of training materials “Keeping Safe, Keeping Well”.
V.I.P.s came into existence three years ago as a voluntary body. In April 2010 we became a charity, social firm and company limited by guarantee. We are about to move into our first premises and expand into employment activities for people with learning disability and autism spectrum disorder.
The User and Carer Forum think that VIP Partners are a good example of these citizen leadership principles:
- 2. Development
- VIPs gives people opportunities to develop a range of leadership skills
- 3. Early Involvement
- VIPs don’t just respond to other people’s agenda. Members set their own agenda, and make things happen