case management

Children's and families' services scie guide 24 : learning together to safeguard children : developing a multi-agency systems approach for case reviews

This guide is one of a series published by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). SCIE guides are one-stop shops for social care practitioners, presenting key findings, current legislation and examples of what is working well to guide and inform practice. Guide published in January 2009.

Managing the Risk : An Inspection of the Management of Sex Offender Cases in the Community

In January 1998, the Minister for Home Affairs announced that the Social Work Services Inspectorate would inspect all sex offender cases supervised by Aberdeen Social Work Department, and such cases in a sample of other local authorities across Scotland, to assess compliance with National Objectives and Standards. This is the Report of these findings.

Fabricated or induced illness by carers

This report and its companion entitled Safeguarding Children in Whom Illness is Induced or Fabricated by Carers with Parenting Responsibilities, by the Department of Health, is essential reading for all paediatricians and other members of the multi-disciplinary team in the field of child protection. The Department of Health document sets out policy and guidelines for all professionals, whereas this document discusses clinical issues in more detail and provides practical advice for paediatricians.

Education and lifelong learning research findings No47/2009: production of case studies of flexible learning and support packages for young people who require more choices and more chances

The study, commissioned by the Scottish Government, was intended to inform a series of papers on ‘Building the Curriculum’ being prepared as part of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).

Charlene : Drug Misuse : A Case Narrative

This is a case narrative detailing the story of a young child Charlene and her mother Jane, who has a history of inappropriate (sometimes violent) relationships and drug misuse. There are a number of concerns about Charlene who is eventually removed from Jane’s care. This case scenario can be used to illustrate a number of issues, including drug misuse, partnership work, good practice in investigation, and assessment in training contexts.

The Children's hearing system in Scotland 2002: training resource manual

In 1996 the Scottish Office commissioned a complete revision of the existing guidance manual for Children's Panel members in order to bring it up to date, in particular for the new legislation. The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 was implemented in April 1997 and the Human Rights Act 1998 has since been introduced. Experience of working with the new legislation has brought about best practice guidelines.

Social Services Inspectorate audit of services to children in need in response to the practice recommendations of the Victoria Climbie inquiry

This report contains a framework of recommendations set out by the Social Services Inspectorate in response to the outcomes of the Public Inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie. This framework is to be used by councils with social services responsibilities to audit their position in relation to the practice recommendations of the Victoria Climbié Inquiry report. It provides performance criteria against each of the recommendations linked to statutory requirements and guidance.