needs assessment

Insight 6 : Meeting the Needs of Children from Birth to Three : Research Evidence and Implications for Out-of-Home Provision

In 2001 the Scottish Executive Education Department (SEED) commissioned Professor Colwyn Trevarthen and a team of colleagues to review the research evidence on the development of children from birth to three years old, and to consider the implications of that evidence for the provision of care outwith the home.

Services for young people with problematic drug misuse: a guide to principles and practice

Report that aims to provide information and evidence to support the development of services for young people experiencing problems due to their own problematic drugs and/or substance misuse.

The guide focuses on the needs of drug action teams (DATs) in their role as commissioners of services as well as the direct delivery of services. The report includes definitions of the target client group and their needs; discusses key principles underpinning effective services and explores the key issues to address in delivering services.

Effective interventions unit: integrated care pathways guide 1 - definitions and concepts

First in a series of guides on developing and implementing Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs). While ICPs have been developed within health settings, there is a growing interest in their development across a range of treatment and social care settings to ensure that a co-ordinated, quality service is provided over the full continuum of care. Care pathways are designed to minimise delays, make best use of resources, and maximise quality of care.

This guide examines when and how integrated care pathways can be used to provide better care for people with drug problems.

Effective interventions unit: integrated care pathways guide 2 - developing integrated pathways

This is the second in a series of guides on developing and implementing Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs). This guide identifies the steps involved in developing an ICP and examines each process in more detail.

It is aimed at anyone involved in commissioning, planning, developing, delivering and evaluating services for drug users.

'Work in progress': an audit of criminal justice social work provision in Scotland 2001-2002 (Towards effective practice, paper 2)

Report presenting the results of an audit of criminal justice social work provision in Scotland carried out to gain a national picture of the main areas of structured activity in community based programme and service development in Scotland.

Blueprint for the Processing of Children’s Hearings Cases : Inter-agency Code of Practice and National Standards

The Time Intervals Working Group was set up in 1997 to report on the processing of cases through the children’s hearings system. Following wide consultation, the first Blueprint, containing a Code of Practice and associated standards and targets, was published in March 1999. The objective was to identify and minimise areas of inconsistency, duplication and unnecessary delay at key points within the system, so that children at risk have their needs addressed effectively at an early stage.