needs assessment

How do I get help?

Factsheet providing information and advice on sources of help available to all those caring for family members or friends in Scotland. Topics covered include carers' assessments, emotional support, financial matters and making a complaint.

Healthy weight, healthy lives : commissioning weight management services for children and young people

Guide intended to help local areas in England commission weight management services for children and young people. It includes information on the policy context and contains a series of tools to support commissioners in the area of weight management for children and young people.

Young carers: assessments and services - literature review of identification, needs assessment and service provision for young carers and their families

This literature review examines the ways in which young carers come to the attention of voluntary and statutory agencies, and factors inhibiting identification. It identifies the ways in which young carers’ needs are assessed and it examines approaches to service provision by both statutory and voluntary agencies. The review also identifies approaches that are successful in meeting the social, educational and health needs of young carers.

Better care, better lives: improving outcomes and experiences for children, young people and their families living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions

UK Government document mapping out the future direction for children's palliative care services in England to make them more convenient, personal and community-based.