family support

Safeguarding Children from Emotional Abuse - What Works?

The objective of this review was to identify studies that evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to prevent child emotional abuse before it occurs and also to prevent its recurrence. It focuses on the parents or primary carers of children aged 0-19 years. There was limited evidence of the effectiveness of interventions in the treatment of emotional maltreatment.

Sure Start children's centres : survey of parents

A survey of 1,496 parents and carers was carried out between August and October 2008 to quantify the reach (i.e. awareness and usage) of Sure Start Children’s Centres among the target population (that is, parents and carers of children aged under five years and expectant parents). The survey was limited to children’s centres which were designated by March 2006 and so had been established for several years.

The support needs of children and young people who have to move home because of domestic abuse : research report

Report of a study which explored the experiences of children and young people compelled to leave homes where domestic abuse has occurred and move to alternative housing. It records their views of the services and support they received and what other services they would have liked.

Addressing the needs of children of substance using parents: an evaluation of Families First's intensive intervention - final report

Report of a study carried out to identify the processes involved in service delivery, including intervention approach, the implementation and integrity of Families First, a multi-component support service for adults and families with substance use issues, interagency working together with the outcomes of intervention for participating families.

Relationship separation and child support study

The report uses data collected on the separated adults to examine the circumstances of people who have a child maintenance interest, including parents with care (PWCs), non resident parents (NRPs) and those who do and do not use the Child Support Agency. This work was commissioned by DWP to inform the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill and the future planning and organisation of C-MEC.

Follow up work to support implementation of the NICE/SCIE guidance on parenting programmes (CSDI) (Children and families' services report 21A)

Report presenting the findings of a follow-up study to support the implementation of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence/Social Care Institute for Excellence guidance on parenting programmes. It also provides some background to the study and reviews what is already known about the factors which increase the likelihood of uptake and completion of parenting programmes.